5 Free WordPress Plugin To Create Custom Login Page

5 Free WordPress Plugin To Create Custom Login Page

5 Free WordPress Plugin To Create Custom Login Page

Why we don’t use default WordPress themes on our website? Because we don’t want our website to look like all other basic WordPress websites. We want our website to look unique & different from others. If your WordPress website needs uniqueness, then why not the login page?

Login page customization is the primary way of providing a different experience to your users.

So if you are interested in creating a unique login page for your website then we have chosen a few WordPress plugins that would work for you. With the help of these free plugins, you can easily customize your WordPress Login Page.

Custom Login

With the help of the Custom Login plugin, you can easily customize the visual of your login page. With this plugin, you can customize everything like your logo, your background, and the colors of the login form.

wordpress custom login

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Customize Your WordPress Login

This plugin helps you to replace the default branded WordPress Login Page with your own Branded Customized Login Page. The login page designed by Custom Login Plugin is responsive. You can edit or add a new background, you can add a slideshow on your login screen. Background slideshow is the key option of this plugin. Google fonts can be integrated and you can also show your social media links for social connectivity. It has unlimited color schemes to make it more beautiful.

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Birds Custom Login

Birds Custom Login plugin is designed by Fredericks serva. It has 7000+ active installs and a 21 5 star rating. This plugin comes with a customized and user-friendly Dashboard. You can create a beautiful-looking custom login page very easily. With this plugin, you can add a custom logo instead of using the WordPress logo.

birds wordpress custom login
birds wordpress custom login

You can select a different background color, add a background image. You can also customize the login form’s settings with your own text and colors. This plugin is very easy to use and you can create a stunning login screen within a minute.

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Custom login page customizer

Custom login page customizer
Custom login page customizer

This is another easy-to-use free plugin to create an awesome login page for a WordPress website. It is created by Hardeep Asrani and then he sold this plugin to themelse.com. It has more than 70,000 active installs and the best part of the plugin is they have a live preview. When you are customizing your login screen you can see the customized look in the preview screen. You can see all the changes and modifications in real-time.

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Some Key Features of the Plugin are-

  • Add your custom logo
  • you can select background-color
  • you can also set a background for the login form
  • You can adjust the styling of the login form
  • you can add custom CSS too

Simple custom login

This is a free plugin with useful functions. A beautiful, Attractive, and Custom Branded Login page can be Easily Designed. This plugin has simple settings and you can modify the login screen within a few minutes. The authors of simple custom login are TylerDigital. It has more than 1000 active installs. This plugin is responsive and your images and logo adapt the perfect look on different screens like mobile and tablets automatically. You can choose basic Colors for the background or you can upload and set a background image.

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Branding your login screen provides a good impression of your website to yourself, your Co-authors, and your clients When they log in.

With the help of these free 5 WordPress plugins, you can easily customize your Login Page. If you have any suggestions for similar plugins please leave a comment below.

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