Terms and Conditions

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At Softweblink, we pride ourselves in doing our best to meet defined goals and fulfill clients’ Website Development and Digital Marketing needs. Still, it is necessary to ensure that a few simple things are outlined on paper should any unforeseen questions or issues arise. By hiring us, the client agrees to the underlying terms and conditions

Price Estimates:

The prices quoted in any proposal provided by Softweblink are based on an assessment of the information received from the client on the date of the proposal and are only estimates. The client acknowledges that if Softweblink determines additional work not documented in the proposal is needed, the cost will be impacted. The client will however have the opportunity to review and approve these changes before Softweblink moves forward.


Client agrees to provide us with everything necessary to complete the project including logo, text, images, link(s) to social media, hosting credentials (if applicable), and any other information we request as we need it, and in the format we require.

Time Estimates:

We wish to avoid any delays. Deadlines work both ways and the client as well will be bound by any dates/timelines that we set forth. We cannot be held responsible for a missed website launch date or deadline if the client has not provided all content and/or revisions on time. Please also keep in mind that we rely on the client and their team to provide us with the necessary assets (including but not limited to website text, photos, social media, products, pricing, etc.), and approvals for us to work on client’s website, and to avoid impacting client website launch date.

Migration of Website:

Once the project deliverables have been approved, we require full payment of the client project’s remaining balance before migrating the client’s website onto the client domain. From the time the website is completed and ready for launch, the client has a maximum of 30 days to provide us with client hosting and domain information (if applicable). If that information is not provided, there’s a possibility that the website will be removed from our server without notice. Extensions can be provided upon written request.

Error Review:

We provide clients with a 30-day window from the date of website migration to the client domain for error review. This does not include new website revisions, but errors that may have occurred during migration. It is client responsibility as the client to review client website during this time and point out any errors to be corrected. Any error that the client find after this period, will be charged. Paid maintenance can be always hired as required.


Any service like domain name, website hosting, email hosting, SSL certificate, etc., if purchased from Softweblink will be renewable annually. The renewal date will start from the date when the service has been booked. The renewal cost is mentioned within the proposal; however, the renewal cost may vary in the following years.

Renewals Payment:

All the renewals are to be paid one week before the renewal date. In case of delay, a website reactivation fee may be applied.

Browser Functionality:

All of our websites are tested for functionality on current Safari, Chrome, and Firefox internet browsers. We do not guarantee that the client website will look exactly the same on every screen, and may appear differently due to varying screen resolutions and aspect ratios.


You’re responsible for the cost of any outside paid assets. This includes but is not limited to hosting, domains, SSL certificates, third-party plugins, stock images, and premium fonts. In addition, we cannot be held liable for the functionality of third-party plugins or software, recommended or otherwise.

Exclusive Design Credit:

We’re proud of our work and reserve the right to apply the text “Website Developed by Softweblink” on the client’s website. Should the client wish to remove the credit, the client can request us in advance. Removing our name does not mean surrendering our design credit to any other party. Without our expressed consent, the client agrees that “Website Developed by Softweblink” will be visibly displayed on the client’s site acknowledging design credit.


Softweblink will do everything possible to build the client an amazing website, but we accept no liability for client sales, revenue, and/or the success of the client’s website/business directly, indirectly, or consequentially. Softweblink.