Refund and Returns Policy

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At Softweblink, we want to ensure you’re completely satisfied with our services. If for any reason you’re not, we’ve got a flexible refund and returns policy to help.

Website Development and Designing Services

– If you’re not satisfied with our work, we’ll refund 90% of the project cost if you cancel within  7 days of project commencement.
– If you’re not happy with the final product, we’ll work with you to make revisions until you’re satisfied. If we can’t meet your expectations, we’ll refund a portion of the project cost, depending on the scope of work completed.

Digital Marketing Services

– If you’re not seeing the results you expected, we’ll adjust our strategies and tactics to better meet your goals.
– If you’re still not satisfied, we’ll refund a portion of the service cost, depending on the scope of work completed.

General Terms

– All refunds will be processed within [03-05 days] of cancellation or refund request.
– We reserve the right to deduct any costs incurred during the project, such as third-party expenses or time spent on revisions.
– Our refund and returns policy only applies to services provided by Softweblink and does not cover external costs or expenses.

We’re committed to delivering exceptional services and ensuring your satisfaction. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (+91) 7565072813